For many people sport is a lifestyle, improves health, relieves stress and is fun. However, injuries can sometimes occur, such as a sprained ankle while playing football or a dislocated shoulder in a tennis match. Injuries can also be caused by putting too much stress on the body before it is ready to tolerate it, such as trying to run a marathon prematurely. Sports physiotherapy is a way of relieving pain, improving fitness and enhancing performance through manual therapy.

People usually go to an osteopath when they have pain or injury, but sports injury physiotherapy also helps prevent injuries by identifying physical deficits and counselling patients to prevent future injuries.

Most common sports injuries

Most sports injuries are caused by a direct blow (bruises, contusions, fractures) or indirect force (sprains and tears). Other injuries are due to excessive strain (tendon injuries, stress fractures). The most frequent injuries are

Muscle strain

Who hasn’t ever pulled a muscle during sport? It is one of the most common sports injuries. The muscle is overstretched and tears. Muscle strain mainly affects the calf, quadriceps, groin, lower back and shoulder area. It can usually be relieved with a little rest, ice and sports physiotherapy.

Anterior cruciate ligament rupture

The anterior cruciate ligament is the part of the body that helps hold the knee joints together. A ruptured ligament is very painful and makes walking impossible. It is usually caused by a direct blow to the knee. Treatment requires surgery followed by sports physiotherapy.

Medial collateral ligament rupture

This is another form of ligament rupture, in this case in the part that attaches the femur to the tibia. This tear usually occurs when the knee is pushed sideways. Treatment involves ice compression, orthopaedic braces and sports physiotherapy sessions.

fisioterapia en lesiones deportivas
fisioterapia para lesiones deportivas en Ibiza

Shin splints

The most common injury among runners, caused by overuse of the inner leg or shin area. Athletes with flat feet are more susceptible to shin splints.

Stress fracture

Another form of overuse injury is the stress fracture. This occurs when the muscles can no longer withstand pressure and a fracture occurs. The areas most affected in stress fractures are the lower legs and feet and are more common in women than in men.

Plantar fasciitis

The main reason for this injury is inflammation of the ligament that attaches the heel to the front of the foot. It is usually caused by excessive strain and stress. It can be treated with ice, anti-inflammatories and stretching exercises. In more severe cases, surgery and sports physiotherapy may be necessary.

Sprained ankle

One of the most common fractures, it occurs when the ligament that supports the joint is overstretched due to incorrect footing or a bad twist or turn. Ankle sprains usually heal with rest, ice, compression and elevation. However, more severe injuries require a cast for several weeks to aid healing.

Tennis elbow

This fracture occurs especially in racquet sports players, due to an injury to the outside of the elbows caused by overuse. In mild cases, it can be treated with a

Prevention of sports injuries

Sports injury physiotherapists not only help with injuries caused by sports injuries, but also help to prevent them. Here are some tips to keep in mind to avoid sports injuries:

  • Use the right sports equipment depending on the sport you are doing, many times injuries are caused by using the wrong equipment.
  • Always spend some time warming up before starting any type of intense physical activity sport.
  • Avoid overexertion or you will undoubtedly cause a muscle injury.
  • Take the necessary breaks to allow your body to rest and recover.
  • Start slowly, as a sudden high level of activity puts a lot of strain on bones, muscles and joints, leading to injury.
  • Learn to listen to your body. Back off at the first sign of discomfort or pain to avoid aggravating the injury.

What are the benefits of sports injury rehabilitation?

Our physiotherapists specialised in sports injuries will work with you to provide a complete rehabilitation treatment with which you will achieve the following benefits:

  • Restoration of full functionality in the shortest possible time.
  • Rapid recovery and return to sport
  • Strengthen weakened muscle groups
  • Reducing pain and inflammation from injury
  • Maintaining cardiovascular fitness while not playing sport
  • Minimise the risk of future injury
  • Improve flexibility and coordination
  • Advice on appropriate footwear and equipment

Who can use physiotherapy for sports injuries?

Whether you are a high-level athlete or have been injured while participating in a recreational activity, the physiotherapists at Fisioterapia en Ibiza can design a comprehensive rehabilitation treatment to help you regain your physical fitness as soon as possible. Some of these treatments are also included in physiotherapy for pediatric sports injuries. Our physiotherapists have extensive experience in treatments such as:

  • Recent or chronic injuries
  • Knee ligament tear or rupture
  • Shoulder dislocation or separation
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Frozen shoulder syndrome
  • Stress fractures
  • Hamstring strain

How does physiotherapy help with sports injuries?

Not all types of injuries are the same, depending on the type of injury, it may take weeks or even months to fully recover or may require other types of physiotherapy treatments such as respiratory or neurological. You will need physiotherapy treatment through a series of exercises to help you restore full pre-injury movement.

Our sports physiotherapists will make an initial consultation and design a recovery program depending on your type of injury, making the recovery process as easy as possible. Therefore, if you have had a weekend setback or you are a professional athlete who needs a sports physiotherapist contact Physiotherapy in Ibiza and ask us the questions you need.

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